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Guest Blogging Vs Article Marketing For Backlink Building


Article marketing and guest blogging are two of the most common strategies for SEO and link building. All duplicate content is removed by search engines. Article directories often feature posts from many other websites. Article directories do not publish original content. Guest blogging, on the other hand is when you write a unique post for another website or blog. You will receive hundreds of quality backlinks if you post your article on a well-respected blog.

Both strategies require you to write content that will be published on another's site. No matter what method you choose, you can insert a link from your website in the resource box. 99 percent of blogs and sites that allow guest posting will not accept articles that have been published elsewhere. Automatic submission software has led to hundreds of spamming directories that have over six billion copies each of a rewritten piece. Guest blogging is far less spammy than traditional publishing Guest Posts.

Article Marketing Has Many Benefits:

Increased traffic through advertising

Exposure and networking online

Relevant backlinks

Popularity of the link

High quality articles can be picked up by directories and republished elsewhere on the internet. This can increase your website's traffic and lead to more links. Article marketing has many of the same benefits that guest blogging. SEO experts believe guest blogging generates more quality links than article submission. Guest posting can also help establish credibility online and attract new readers to your blog or site.

Duplicate content has led to a decline in the effectiveness of article directories over the past few years. For the sake of gaining a backlink, many webmasters send low quality articles. The blog owner will expect you to produce high-quality content when you offer to guest post. This link building strategy can help you gain targeted traffic and subscribers. It will also establish you as an authority in the niche and increase your visibility on the Internet.

Article marketing is outperformed by guest posting. Both methods are effective, but guest blogging is more effective at building links and promoting your business online. You can also use guest blogging to get faster SEO results. It all depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put in.



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