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Building Blog Traffic With the Guest Post


Guest Posting was suggested to me by someone when I first started blogging. It was terrifying to think of giving away my best content. It is not easy to sit down and create.

It was a risk I took, but I tried it and have never regretted it. Over 60% of my traffic has come from guest posts since that first post. Each week I write at most one and never feel like my time is wasted. The numbers don't lie, and I can see the traffic-wise benefits of writing for larger blogs, it's clear that this is a wise decision.

While keyword rich articles are still important, you should also focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google should be able find your blog. This takes time. If you want to build a large following, it is important that you plan on blogging for the long-term. If you run a monetized blog, don't fall into the trap of making money the ultimate goal--readers/traffic have to come first.

Google and search engines will reward you for writing a few posts per week for a whole year. Why wait when you don't need to? You don't have to give Google its wishes, but you can also use any other means available to increase traffic.

How do I choose who to write for

Many people ask me how I managed to write copy for Copyblogger and Problogger, despite my blog being about strength training, book review, and any other topics that interest me. Problogger doesn't have a lot of content about how to make money online. Copyblogger also doesn't have a blog. I don’t blog as much about blogging.

There is good news: you can blog about the "whys" behind blogging. It's possible to write about the process, rather than the expertise.

Technorati's top 100 blogs list was my first step. I then selected a few blogs I felt I could write more about and began pitching my posts. Nobody has ever said no to me so far.

Although guest blogging might not be for everyone. I find it more rewarding to see one of my posts posted on Problogger, and then have hordes upon hordes visit. Many of them will say, "I would never have discovered your blog if I hadn't been a visitor here."



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