Guest Posting are a great way to advertise your blog. A guest poster is a person who posts on a blog but isn't a regular. This is usually someone from another blog. Back-links are a way to help other bloggers. If you were featured as a guest blogger on a finance blog, for example, you would write an informative article about finance with a message at the end encouraging readers to visit your blog. Before the post is published, it would be reviewed by the blog owner. He/she will likely have specific requirements regarding the advertising that you can include for your blog. Guest posters can be a great way to get more traffic to your blog, especially if your time is limited.
There are a few things to remember when guest posting. Keep your posts as high quality as possible, don't spam your blog with ads, make sure you only feature blogs that have relevant topics to your topic, and avoid scammers.
Writing professionals know that quality is key to securing a second job. Although writing quality content can take time, if the article is well-written, the owner of the blog will be more inclined to feature you on his/her site. This is especially true for articles that get more attention/comments than regular articles.
Submitting an ad-filled article to a blogger is one of the worst things you can do. Your article will be almost immediately thrown in the trash. Number two, the owner of the blog will be less likely to consider your articles seriously and you may not get a chance to ever be featured on their blog. Ask the blog owner before you submit any article. What are their requirements regarding back-links or ads?
Many blogs have lazy owners and would love for you to write for them. If their website isn't getting many visitors per year, it makes no sense to waste your time writing guest posts. Ask to see the books. Do not believe anyone who claims that their blog has 10,000 page views per week.